Designer Katz/A Leopardz Legacy

Sales Contract and Health Guarantee



Buyer and Seller agree to the following conditions of sale:

The Fine Print: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement. No verbal representation or other understood or misunderstood agreement applies. The jurisdiction of this contract and all legal issues that may arise is at the Seller's City, County, or State. If any factor in this contract is found to be invalid or not enforceable, all remaining factors still apply. The seller has the right to terminate the contract if the new home is thought to be unsuitable and the deposit will be returned.

 Social Media: Any disagreements resulting from the purchase or business transactions of this cat/kitten will not be published by the buyer, seller, or their associates on social media or any internet sites. Damages or violations of this cause will be $5,000 and the health guarantee will be null and void. Buyer initials:______Seller's initials____

 Responsibility of the Buyer: You have purchased this cat or kitten. It is now yours. The buyer is responsible for all shipping fees unless other arrangements are made and noted in this contract. The buyer is responsible for all Vet BIlls after receipt of kitten/cat. Prepayments or partial payments ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. Deposits are not refundable! If the seller cannot provide the buyer with the desired kitten after 3 litters the seller will refund the deposit. Buyer will not dispute any fees or funds by using Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, or other credit card transactions. No refunds or buybacks. It is the responsibility of the BUYER at the BUYER's expense to provide immediate veterinary care should the kitten show any sign of distress or illness. The buyer is responsible for all veterinary bills. This cat or kitten must be kept in a satisfactory environment, and not exposed to conditions that are excessively hot, cold, or damp. The cat or kitten should not be permitted to roam outside unsupervised. Kitten cannot be sold to Pet Stores.

BUYER MUST BE SURE TO KEEP THE KITTEN FROM CONTACT WITH ANY OTHER CAT OR KITTEN THAT DOES NOT HAVE CURRENT IMMUNIZATIONS OR WHICH HAS NOT BEEN FOUND NEGATIVE FOR FELINE LEUKEMIA OR FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS. The cat or kitten should be kept from contact with other cats or kittens until it is ascertained that neither the cat or kitten or the existing cats are contagious (usually two weeks). We recommend against giving shots for Feline Leukemia and Feline Infectious Peritonitis. However, we also recommend you discuss this with your vet and arrive at a conclusion that is satisfactory for you and him.

Responsibility of the Seller: Cats and kittens come with their health check-up by licensed veterinarians and are guaranteed to be in good health at the time of sale. The buyer must take the kitten to a vet of his choice for up to two days after the date of receiving the kitten/cat in their possession for a thorough examination. If the veterinarian discovers the kitten is not in good health as guaranteed, the BUYER must contact the SELLER immediately and the BUYER must provide the SELLER with a written explanation from the BUYER's veterinarian as to the illness or condition that has been determined. (We suggest the kitten be quarantined during this period of time, if not longer.) The seller assumes no responsibility after leaving the premises of the seller for medical expenses due to injury, landlord's or spouse's disapproval or for allergies to animals, disagreement with family, conflict of personality, or any other reason unless outlined in this contract. Therefore, it has been agreed that no warranty of representation has been made to sell kitten except as set forth in this writing in this agreement. Contract void if Designer Katz/A Leopardz Legacy goes out of business. 

Pet Quality: This cat/kitten is sold as "Pet Quality". The papers will be marked "Not for Breeding". TICA will NOT register any kittens from this cat. Buyer agrees to not declaw kitten/cat.

Shipping: Designer Katz/A Leopardz Legacy will not ship kitten/cat air cargo. Designer Katz/A Leopardz Legacy will hand carry on flight and travel with the kitten as a carry-on at the buyer's airport of choice. Buyer is responsible for Designer Katz/A Leopardz Legacy airline ticket, and kitten pet fees If a same-day return flight is not available buyer will pay a one-night Hotel charge.